Andrew J. Murray

Legal Assistant
Yvette Stinson
P: 615.252.3527

Andy Murray’s practice is focused primarily on healthcare mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures, and on the regulatory issues that affect healthcare providers. He represents publicly traded and privately held companies, including several national hospital and surgery center companies.

Andy has extensive experience handling transactions for clients across the country, including acquisitions, divestitures and joint ventures of hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers, imaging centers, home health agencies, hospices, physician practices and other providers. In addition to his transactional work, Andy has extensive experience advising healthcare clients on a variety of operational and regulatory matters, including compliance with Federal and state anti-kickback and self-referral laws, reimbursement, and licensing and provider enrollment issues. His unique background in both transactional and regulatory issues is critical in the negotiation of complex healthcare transactions.

Andy has been listed in Chambers USA for his healthcare transactions and regulatory work. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Nashville Health Care Council.