Are We Taking a Step Backwards? Affirmative Action in Peril


Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Affirmative action was put in place by way of President Lyndon Johnson's Executive Order of 1965. Ever since President Johnson entered the Order, issues related to affirmative action have made their way to the United States Supreme Court several times. In 2022, the Court is poised to take up the issue of affirmative action again when it considers two pending cases related to college admission policies at Harvard University and the University of North Carolina.

This program will provide an analysis of the history and evolution of affirmative action and will address the possible impact of the forthcoming Supreme Court rulings. Finally, the program will address what possible impacts the Supreme Court's rulings may have on inclusion & diversity efforts.

Other Speakers:

Imoh Akpan
Atoyia Scott Harris
Stacy Douglas