Mentorship Matters but Sponsorship Moves the Needle

CenterForce Diversity in Law & Leadership: Atlanta

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Atlanta, GA

The CenterForce Diversity in Law Series will explore this "new normal" and the effect it will have on the career paths of women and underrepresented professionals in legal and Corporate America.

As you advance in your career, pursuing growth opportunities requires confidence, creativity, and a strong network–including the right mentors. But who is vouching for you behind closed doors? The right sponsor can be instrumental in pushing you forward and seeing that you are considered for that next opportunity.

This panel will explore:

  • Differentiating sponsors from mentors and other influencers
  • Sponsorship and its impact on DEI
  • Identifying and cultivating effective sponsors
  • Paying it forward: How best to advocate for others

Full agenda available here

Other Speakers:

Rachel Fox Weitz, Assistant General Counsel Delta Air Lines

Ashley Lee, Associate General Counsel Coca-Cola Bottlers' Sales and Services

Barbara Dorsey Miller, General Counsel and Chief Legal Officer