How Fintech Fits into the SBA Equation
Dallas, TX 75201
Last year fintech companies played an enormous role in facilitating business owners’ access to the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). For many online lenders this was their first exposure to the programs offered through the Small Business Administration (SBA), and while in the past the prospects of navigating the labyrinth of rules and regulation surrounding these programs has often discouraged fintech companies from considering the SBA programs, is it time for your company to take a second look? Hear from a panel of experts as they discuss business prospects thru partnerships with SBA lenders including marking, loan servicing and other opportunities that could open new revenue streams for your company.
Other Speaker(s)
Bill Briggs, Cuck Evans, Darren Hecht, Chris Hurn
Event Details
For more information on this conference, visit the LEND360 event page.
Conference Agenda
For a complete schedule of events, visit the LEND360 agenda page.