Movements in Antitrust: The Chicago School, Post-Chicago and Progressive Antitrust, Neo-Brandeis, and Beyond

Seton Hall Institute’s Big Tech & Antitrust Conference

Wednesday, February 16, 2022
1:00 PM-2:00 PM EST

Until recently, the European Union led the way in antitrust enforcement against Google while U.S. antitrust regulators took a mostly hands-off approach. Over the past year, however, U.S. state and federal antitrust enforcement authorities have filed cases against Google, Facebook, and others. Meanwhile, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are calling for increased regulation of big technology and social media companies. Not since the dawn of the Internet era, when both the U.S. and the EU pursued antitrust actions against Microsoft, has there been such apparent agreement about the need to regulate technology companies. It is unclear, however, whether this apparent agreement is real or the product of accidental convergences from very different ideological presuppositions. It is even less clear whether, or to what extent, or in what manner, antitrust or other competition-related regulation of Big Tech reflects good law or policy.

Seton Hall University School of Law's Gibbons Institute of Law, Science & Technology and Institute for Privacy Protection are co-hosting this virtual conference to explore these issues from U.S., EU, and international perspectives with leading academics, practitioners, and former regulators.

Other Speakers: 

Marina Lao

Ramsi Woodcock

Sanjukta Paul