Regulatory Lending Update: Hot Topics Under Fair Lending, UDAPP, and the Community Reinvestment Act

Sheshunoff Senior Lending Officer Affiliation Meeting



Monday, May 08-Tuesday, May 09, 2023

LaPlaya Beach & Golf Resort
Naples, FL

Over the last two years, the CFPB has placed significant emphasis on fair lending and anti-discrimination initiatives. From guidance to algorithmic credit decisioning to a new exam manual that deems discrimination in the credit process to be actionable under the Bureau’s UDAAP authority, the CFPB has been aggressively expanding its claimed authority to police purported discrimination in the financial services space. We will be discussing the implications of these trends, and will provide practical ways for banks, non-bank lenders, fintechs, and other players in the financial services space to reduce risk in this uncertain regulatory environment. In addition, this session will discuss the CRA, common challenges, foundations for a successful CRA program, and practical ideas to assist banks in helping to meet the credit needs of their assessment areas. We will also address the proposed CRA modernization rules and potential implications on community banks.

For more information, view the agenda

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