The Pros and Cons of Bank Holding Companies: Determining Whether a Bank Holding Company Structure Makes Sense for Your Bank

American Bar Association CLE Webinar

Thursday, January 25, 2024
1:00 PM EST

In deciding whether a BHC is the best route to conduct its businesses, banks need to weigh the operational flexibility of BHCs against the added administrative and regulatory costs. Counsel must have a thorough understanding of the permitted activities of banks vs. BHCs. BHCs are frequently used to engage in a variety of activities that are nonbanking or financial but outside of traditional depository activities, usually through affiliates under the ownership umbrella of a BHC. Listen as our authoritative panel discusses the regulatory framework in which banks and BHCs operate and the non-banking activities that are permitted for each. The panel will also discuss the logistics of creating or dissolving a BHC and issues to consider in deciding whether to do so.

Other Speakers:

Matthew Bisanz, Moderator
Carleton Goss

For more information, view the event details