Bradley Partner David Lucas was Quoted in Legaltech News on Google's Win in EU
Legaltech News
Bradley attorney David Lucas was quoted in Legaltech News on Google’s win in the Court of Justice of the European Union, wherein the court ruled that a global right to be forgotten request was a step too far for the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The decision highlights how the EU is moving to balance its citizens’ various fundamental rights and countries’ differing viewpoints on those rights when enforcing the GDPR.
“I think it’s a balanced opinion, and I think there will be ramifications not only in the EU but clients I represent in the U.S. that are concerned with the reach of the GDPR,” said Lucas. He added, “I think it is helpful that the court itself addressed the cross-border issue in the decision by noting the lack of extraterritorial language in the legislation. In doing so, it reduced the risk of territorial overreach many have been concerned with.”
The complete article, “Google’s Win in EU Signifies Proportionality Is Key to GDPR Enforcement,” first appeared in Legaltech News on September 30, 2019.