During 14 years as associate general counsel at HCP, Inc., n/k/a Healthpeak (NYSE:PEAK), led the in-house legal team in all major transactions, worked closely with the tax team to ensure REIT compliance, and worked with the management team on debt and equity offerings, DownREIT setup and maintenance, and periodic SEC reporting.
During four years as general counsel at Montecito Medical Real Estate, managed all legal matters of the company, including property acquisitions, dispositions, financing, and leasing, as well as capital raises through joint ventures and discretionary funds, many of which included either REIT partners or private REIT structural elements.
Represented the sponsor in the formation of a real estate fund featuring both a private REIT element to accommodate treaty requirements applicable to foreign investors as well as a “hard-wired” master-feeder fund structure to address ERISA limitations on benefit plan investments.