Legal Briefings – False Claim Act, Qui Tam, Whisteblower, and HIPAA
Infragard Birmingham Members Alliance – 3rd Annual Alabama Healthcare Fraud Summit
The False Claims Act is one of the federal government’s primary tools to combat Medicare and Medicaid fraud and abuse. Private citizens may also bring actions under the statute’s whistleblower provisions. Whether based on violations of the Anti-Kickback Statute, violations of the Stark Law, coding issues, documentation issues, or otherwise, healthcare providers may find themselves facing astronomical damages and penalties if they are not careful. Providers should be aware of the pitfalls that may result in liability. The session explained liability under the False Claims Act, described the qui tam whistleblower provisions, and gave specific examples of situations that may result in liability. An understanding of these elements will assist providers to avoid and/or prevent possible violations.
Other Speakers:
James Hoover, Partner, Burr Forman
Elizabeth Shirley, Partner, Burr Forman
Moderated by Lauren DeMoss, Shareholder, Maynard Cooper