CFPB Activity Roundtable Discussion
Housing Policy Council Summer Executive Council Meeting
Under the leadership of Director Rohit Chopra, the CFPB has been closely monitoring the activities of mortgage lenders and servicers, using the bully pulpit to advance a narrative that is generally critical of mortgage companies, requesting extensive amounts of data and information to conduct examinations, establishing new interpretations for existing regulations, and aggressively pursuing enforcement actions on their own and in conjunction with the Department of Justice and the prudential regulators.
Our legal professionals, who present a broad spectrum of companies engaged in housing finance, will offer insight on what they are observing, thoughts on how to make sense of the CFPB’s actions, and advice on how to navigate the landscape. The topics they will cover include:
- Redlining, including discriminatory and exclusionary conduct
- Appraisals, including the CFPB role on ASC and appraisal bias claims
- ECOA/UDAAP – Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Reg B) & Unfair, Deceptive, Abusive Acts or Practices
- LEP – Serving borrowers with Limited English Proficiency, in both origination and servicing.
- Pricing Concessions, implications of using discretion to address competition
Other Speakers:
Tori Shinohara, Partner, Mayer Brown
Nanci Weissgold, Partner, Alston & Bird