Bradley Partner Jason Mehta Featured in Tampa Bay Business Journal's 'People to Know in Law' Series
Tampa Bay Business Journal
Bradley partner Jason Mehta was featured in the Tampa Bay Business Journal's "People to Know in Law" series, which aims to connect businesspeople to Tampa Bay's top attorneys. The article touches on Mehta's education, background, and valuable experience in the areas of health care and telemedicine, and government enforcement and prosecution. The following is an excerpt from the "People to Know in Law" article highlighting Mehta's experience:
Mehta has been ahead of the curve. In recent years, he has focused extensively on cases involving the defense of telemedicine practices.
A widely accomplished white-collar defense attorney, he has extensive experience representing companies and people in health care and telehealth.
He has focused almost exclusively on health care cases — both on the civil (False Claims Act) and criminal sides. Drawing on his time spent prosecuting cases as a Department of Justice prosecutor and years of defense experience, clients call on him for their most challenging criminal and civil fraud matters and internal investigations.
The original article, "People to Know in Law: Jason Mehta," appeared in the Tampa Bay Business Journal on April 16, 2021.