Scott Burnett Smith Quoted in Law360 on Cases Attorneys Should Watch for in February
Bradley attorney Scott Burnett Smith was quoted in Law360 on upcoming oral arguments benefits attorneys should have on their radar. One of these cases is Tiara Yachts Inc. v. Blue Cross Blue Shield of MI in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit.
Smith explained he thought the appeal had “real merit to it” and highlighted how the U.S. Department of Labor filed a brief in the case in support of the yacht company. The DOL will also participate in arguments.
“For a third-party administrator of a health plan who is the only one who receives the claims, administers the claims and pays the claims to get out on the grounds that they won't act as a fiduciary when they do that? That would be a surprising outcome,” Smith said.
The full article, “6 Argument Sessions Benefits Attys Should Watch In Feb.,” was published by Law360 on January 31, 2025.