CFPB Auto Finance Consent Order: A Sign of Things to Come for Add-On Products?
New York Clarifies Mortgage Loan Acceleration and De-Acceleration: Starting and Stopping the Limitations Clock
Listed in Lawdragon 500 X - Next Generation, 2023-2024 De Novo banks Assist in regulatory due diligence in connection with de novo banks and acquisitions. Experience tailoring policies and procedures in development of new, mid-sized banks. Regulatory review Provide legal support in regulatory application and approval processes including appraisal waivers, branch applications, purchases and sales of assets, and changes in bank directors and executives. Consumer claims Navigate consumer claims raised against financial institutions under state and federal consumer protection statutes. Mortgages Handle the complexities of mortgage disputes, including compliance with home equity loan requirements, mortgage servicing, tax purchaser liens, and borrower claims against lenders.