Bradley’s attorneys have deep experience in providing counsel for institutional investors across an entire spectrum of real estate legal matters. Our Real Estate Practice Group handles local, national, and international transactions for companies involved in all types of investment, including debt, finance, and equity organizations.

Among the numerous clients who count on Bradley for major deals and transactions are life insurance and other insurance investors, real estate investment trusts, private partnerships and other investment entities, and foreign investors involved in the acquisition of real estate in the United States.

We handle the entire spectrum of real estate-related finance transactions for insurance companies, banks, and other lenders. The firm has extensive experience in the acquisition of equity interests in real estate for domestic and foreign trusts, partnerships, corporations, limited liability companies, and insurance companies.

In addition, our attorneys stay on the cutting edge of the increasingly sophisticated and complex field of real estate-related investment vehicles, such as transactions involving real estate syndications and tax-exempt finance arrangements, enabling us to continue to offer the highest level of service to our clients.